The Mediterranean Diet prepares and reduces in 33 % the possibilities of enduring a gastric cancer as a study of the Catalan Institute of Oncology - Institute Biomédica of Bellvitge,

Every time there are more the studies that extoll the virtues of the Mediterranean diet. The conclusion of this study on the benefits of the Mediterranean diet in the prevention of the gastric cancer they are very important. The magazine Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published the results of this study given his relevancy. The feeding is vital for the health in general. That a certain diet has also beneficial effects in the illnesses prevention it is a step further away.
In this study of that of the Catalan Institute of Oncology - Institute Biomédica of Bellvitge, there collaborated 23 health centers of 10 European countries, almost half a million persons between 35-70 years for 9 years of pursuit. The novel of the study is that until now there had been identified beneficial effects of some concrete food as it is the vegetable, the fruit or the vitamin C, but there had not materialized the beneficial effect of the Mediterranean diet in his set.

The Mediterranean diet prepares and reduces in 33 % the possibility of suffering gastric tumors, which are some of the cancers with worse prognosis and less effective treatment. They usually diagnose when they are already in stadiums advanced therefore the survival does not overcome 23 % of the cases.
The gastric tumors are the second cause of death for cancer in the world, with more than one million deaths a year. In Spain it is the most frequent fifth cancer. This study opens a new route for the prevention of the cancer and extolls the benefits of our Mediterranean diet.