The aging is a natural process that happens with all the living beings and there does not exist way of evading it. Nevertheless there exist sciences as the anti aging or antiquating, which devote themselves to study ways of delaying the passage of time and the physical deterioration of the persons, to achieve a better and fuller life.
The science so called anti aging devotes herself to look for alternative ways that there allows to the persons to delay the deterioration that causes the passage of time, bearing in mind genetic, hereditary and external factors of the human being.
Many factors of those who cause the aging are caused by the same persons and his habits. Forms exist to prepare the problems of the aging as the practice of physical activity that leads the organism to getting accustomed to the movement and the activity.
Realizing physical exercise brings innumerable benefits so much at physical level because it helps to have a healthy life, as emotional since to feel and turn well it improves the self-esteem and the relation with the environment. To do outdoor activities like gait, to swim, to ride bicycle are habits that can be acquired and benefits will result in enormous and together with a suitable feeding they will delay the aging.
Feeding without committing excesses, eating fruits and vegetables in abundance resists the called free radicals, which are generated by the destruction of the cells when it ages. Cereals and caught also there are important elements that reach port antitrust.
To rest appropriately, sleeping like minimum 8 hours in a calm and relaxed ambience will give to the biggest organism vitality. To avoid the exhibition to the sun of long form is extremely important, especially bearing in mind that it is one of the principal causes of aging of the skin, generating important cutaneous damages as injuries and spots.