The diet of the pineapple makes use of the properties of this fruit to purify the body and also to lose a few kilos.

- The pineapple is a tropical fruit that there contains 85 % of water, Carbohydrates and Fibre.
- It has - Vitamins: C, B1, B6 and a little of E.
- Minerals: Potassium, Magnesium, Iodine, Copper, Maganeso
- Acid Fólico, Citric acid, Malic acid, Oxalic acid, Enzyme Bromelina
- Diuretic is beneficial in problems of retention of liquids for his effect
- It improves the intestinal transit and the constipation
- It helps to the hypertension
- Beneficial against the stress
- Beneficial against the cholesterol
- Beneficial against the anemia
- Depurative
- Advisable in case of drop, arthritis
- He is of benefit to the immune system, reinforces the defenses, helps to the creation of red and white globules
- Beneficial digestion
- Beneficial in problems of intestinal earthworms
- Advisable in problems of circulation
- Beneficial in case of obesity

On the 1st - the 2nd - on the 3rd: During these days the key is to take very much liquid by means of juices so much of pineapple as citrus fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, infusions and milk. You can take entire pineapple and pieces of fruit like apple, kiwi, orange pear. You can take two wholemeal bread slices with virgin oil a day, rest of juices and fruits.
On the 4th-5-6-7: After 3 days by means of liquids your organism is purifying toxins. Now it has to introduce more food variety in the diet. You can take grilled meat, fish, eggs, salads. Since I weakened pineapple, like snack pineapple (in bits or juice)
This diet started at the end of the seventies on initiative of the groups Hippies. Much extended at present, there is up to centers of spiritual retirement where the whole feeding is based on the juices. His best tricks are in that it cleans the toxins organism in addition to obtaining a reduction of considerable weight.