Sunday, October 3, 2010

Melatonina side effects

The side effects of the melatonina must be born in mind to adapt the suitable doses. To consult with your doctor and pharmacist in these cases assures the calmness to you of being able to take melatonina of correct form. In Viviendosanos we tell you the side effects of the melatonina.

melatonina uses

What is the melatonina?
It is a hormone that regulates the biological clock of our body. The melatonina is synthesized in the pineal gland to a cyclical rhythm and then it is distributed by the blood in small proportions. The melatonina reports to the body of:
He informs to the body of The phases circadianas, the rhythm continued for the day. The rhythm cicardiano is acquired on three months of life of the baby. It is 12 months to 3 years when the biggest melatonina levels are achieved, then the production diminishes.
The melatonina diminishes with the age. The biggest persons do not have so high melatonina levels as the young people (the young people goes so far as to have 12 times major levels). During the day the major persons do not have big melatonina increases either. 

Properties of the melatonina

Of between the properties of the melatonina, the most studied is the influence that exercises in the rhythm sleep - wakefulness. The melatonina is a suitable substance for the treatment of the alterations of the sleep. In trastronos like the Jet - lag, or the workpeople for shifts who suffer alterations in his sleep rhythm.
They still could not have demonstrated his properties “to prolong the life”, but if it is verified that the form melatonina infuye positva in the quality of life of the biggest people. This rests that a good feeding joined high concentrations of melatonina they influence in a positive way.
The most studied action of melatonina is his influence in the rhythm sleep - wakefulness. The melatonina is suitable for the treatment of the alterations of the sleep. Also it is indicated to relieve the symptoms of the jet - lag. This way, by means of the capture of the product in the necessary moment, it turns to recover more rapid the rhythm sleep - wakefulness that the flight had altered.

The melatonina is adapted also for the workpeople of shifts, who suffer normally alterations of the sleep, since they interrupt continuously his daily rhythm.

Although it was not possible to have demonstrated yet his effect of extension of the life in the men, it is verified that the melato-girl influences positively the quality of life of the biggest people.
This theory rests on the fact that a good feeding accompanied by high concentrations of melatonina at advanced age they improve the general well-being and lead to a decrease of illnesses associated with the age.
Side effects of the melatonina
  • According to diverse studies a dose of up to 800mg / day they are tolerable, but smaller doses can be valid to guarantee the effect wished in the treatment.
  • Side effects minimum have been observed and of transitory character like: Drowsiness, hypothermia, slowness in the time of answer, headache, diarrheas.
  • What it is not possible to verify is if these side effects stem from the melatonina consumption or are motivated by other causes.
  • The melatonina doses must fit to the moment and phase of the day. It is necessary to watch the composiĆ³n to avoid possible incompatibility with hepatic, renal functions or unwanted effects like an overdose.
  • Fundamental the medical consultation of being able to take melatonina in case one is pregnant (in the pregnancy medicines not to be must not take, they are prescribed by the doctor), be in lactation period, antidepressants or medication is taking with steroids or if he endures allergies or illnesses autoimnunes.
  • It would not be necessary to take melatonina before driving or before handling machinery that needs big concentration. Generally we recommend that the automedication not to be practised and that a doctor to be consulted before every capture. This recommendation is directed of especially to those persons who consume medicines of a habitual way.