Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Diet sirope sap

The diet of sirope of sap has turned into one of the "fashionable" depurative diets. In Viviendosanos we present to you the diet of the sirope of sap.
The Sap sirope is made with sirope of maple C and Palm sap. Of different types of Maple of the north of America and Canada the Maple sirope extracts a sweet delicacy to himself much appreciated in for preparing recipes and sweets.
The Palm sap extracts to itself a tropical plant which sap is very rich in nutrients and very sweet. It is the arén Palm. It contains fundamental Sodium and potassium for the good cellular functioning.
The diet of the sirope of sap is advisable to purify the organism after excesses or simply if you want to do a depurative remedy. It is neither a medicine nor a feeding to do every day, but if you can make use of his benefits in a depurative remedy. Always before initiating any advisable diet to consult with his doctor.
As benefits of following this depurative remedy:
  • It helps to the immune system to produce new antibodies
  • It is beneficial in ailments like the asthma
  • The skin improves his aspect

  • It improves the capacity of concentration and the memory
  • He exercises a soft laxative effect that improves the intestinal transit
  • He exercises an effect diuretic, toxins are eliminated
There exist two ways of realizing this remedy:
  • I go without finished form
    Finished fasting: It is the way of realizing the most authentic remedy, but not the whole world is capable of realizing a fasting. The remedy is based on the millennial therapy of the fasting. To fast means to live in a certain time of the proper reservations.
    Fasting is not “to spend famine”. While the remedy is realized, the body is useful to get rid of the detritus, the toxicity and superfluous fats that have accumulated in the organism progressively, allowing to the organs to be regenerating and reactivate his functioning. The detoxification promotes our mental faculties, concentration and progress of the memory.
    The hard finished remedy from 7 until 10 days, in which it is necessary only to consume prepared of sirope of sap of palm and maple and no other food. In every day there will take from eight to ten big glasses of the prepared one, one every two hours approximately. It is completed by a soft laxative infusion before the first capture of the day and other one before going to bed. A semi fasted
  • Every night, while we sleep, fast, or, we do not consume food and leave that the organism deals with himself himself, who is regenerated, purifies and recovers his worn-out energies, largely in the digestion and assimilation of meal. With the breakfast we break this process of recovery and car cleanliness of the night fasting.
    The semi-fasting intention is of prolonging this period of night fasting, replacing the breakfast and/or dinner with two or three glasses of sirope of sap, lemon and water and this way to offer to the biggest organism time for his rest and recovery.
    So that the semi-fasting is more effective, it would be convenient about the possible thing to suppress during this remedy the food, which for his content in toxins would delay the depurative action of night semi-fasting: sausages, salt, red meats, fried food, white bread, refined flours, coffee, alcohol, carbonic drinks, milk.