The degeneration to blacken associated at the age more known by his initials DMAE, is a degenerative visual illness, being one of the principal causes of the legal blindness in persons of advanced age (more than 50 years).
Novartis has created a campaign to announce this illness that still turns out to be very unknown. Inside the web page that describes the illness, symptoms of the DMAE and since to diagnose it has created a useful glossary of related terms, where to be able to consult different terms related to this problem this way to allow a major comprehension of the problem and of his way of treating it. Terms as escotoma or spot that they turn out to be strange for the majority they are explained of a clear and concise form this way to be able to understand better this illness.
In addition to this glossary the page has other interest informations and even some test to diagnose the illness and therefore to begin to treat it as soon as possible.
Also you can obtain more information in this explanatory post on the DMAE that we publish in Living Healthy.