I get asked a lot of questions about rapid weight loss systems, so I thought it might be a good idea to give my 2 cents about the idea of rapid weight loss in general. While it is possible to lose weight very quickly, my initial view is that rapid or quick weight loss is not the best path to take if you want to keep the weight off permanently.
Why Rapid Weight Loss Systems Are Ineffective At Best
The level of effort required in order to carry out any sort of weight loss system rapidly is huge. For most people it’s a challenge simply losing any weight at all, let alone quickly. when you try to lose weight at a faster pace, you’ve typically got to ramp up your efforts and make a big cut in your daily calorie intake combined with a lot of intense exercise. For the vast majority of people out there, there is no way that they will be able to keep up that type of pace for very long. so while you can expect to lose some weight right off the bat, any type of overly aggressive weight loss system will really set you up for failure down the road.
Because of the amount of effort involved, most of the people that I’ve seen implement a rapid weight loss system typically wind up weighing even more than they did to begin with only a few weeks after they go off of their plan. Inevitable the furious pace that needs to be set in order to lose weight rapidly, leads to complete burn out.
Another thing that is really important to keep in mind when talking about rapid weight loss systems is that whenever you lose weight too quickly, you tend to lose more lean muscle mass than body fat. so while you may be losing a lot of weight, it more than likely means that you are losing a decent amount of lean muscle mass in the process.
The net effect of losing muscle mass is that your body will actually become less efficient at burning fat and more efficient at storing body fat. Typically, this leads to the dreaded “skinny fat” look where you lose a lot of weight, but wind up increasing your body fat percentage. so while you may weight less than you did before the overall outcome of your rapid weight loss program may be a flabbier, softer body that simply weighs less.
In men this means that wile you drop weight, your jean size won’t decrease as much as it should and you will continue to have (or even develop) a flabby chest, which overall is not an attractive thing. In women this typically means that while they lose weight, the size of their thighs and butt does not decrease and actually gets softer and squishier. so while you will lose weight following a rapid weight loss system, chances are pretty good that you will wind up with the exact same problem areas that you had before, just a lighter version with the same problem areas.
When It Might Make Sense To Try A Rapid Weight Loss System
More often than not, rapid weight loss systems leave people feeling burned out on weight loss in general. because of that alone, I don’t view them as an effective permanent weight loss strategy. But they can be effective if you just need to drop a few pounds quickly. One area where I think a rapid weight loss system could be beneficial is if you are already in pretty decent physical condition, but you needed to drop a few pounds for a vacation or photo shoot or something like that.