They exist inside the call fitoterapia a big quantity of infusions that collaborate in the weight reduction. One of them is the green tea that in addition to slimming properties possesses medicinal beginning that help to improve the health in general.
This infusion of green tonality and a very particular flavor has slimming properties being completely natural. His scientific name is Camellia Sinesis and it is an excellent complement to accompany diets hypocaloric to lose weight.

This millennial infusion possesses caffeine, substance that generates the increase of the caloric expense and the oxidation of the fats for it is excellent to grow thin.
This tea possesses a high place contained in polyphenols that help the organism to liberate the call noradrenalina, substance that facilitates the fats fire with the end to increase the energy and hence to lose piled up fat.
The healthy of the green tea is the fact that it does not do that muscular mass gets lost but it helps to eliminate fats.
To prepare them they join to 5 grams of tea leaves green or a tea sachet waters down boiling, one allows it to rest in approximately 10 minutes and it is already ready to drink.
So that it has a really effective effect between 3 and 4 tea cups must be consumed every day after every principal meal, or breakfast, meal, snack and dinner.
It is important to bear in mind that if one suffers from arterial hypertension or any type of cardiac illness, will have to be consulted with the doctor before taking this type of infusions.