1 November 2010: The Department of Health confirms that the following 24 PCTs will be listed in The Primary Medical Services (Electronic Prescription Service Authorisation) Directions 2008 as amended (the ‘EPS Authorisation Directions’) as those able to authorise their primary medical services contractors or any practice established by the PCT to use Release 2 of the Electronic Prescription Service, from 1 February 2011, following a three month notice period. This will bring the total number of authorised PCTs to 51, from 1 February 2011.
Brighton and Hove City Teaching PCT
Doncaster PCT
East Lancashire Teaching PCT
East Riding of Yorkshire PCT
East Sussex Downs and Weald PCT
Greenwich Teaching PCT
Hastings and Rother PCT
Hertfordshire PCT
Newcastle PCT
NHS Bradford and Airedale
NHS Eastern and Coastal Kent
NHS Hammersmith adn Fulham
NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale
NHS Kensington and Chelsea
NHS Lambeth
NHS Lincolnshire
NHS Westminster
Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
Northumberland Care Trust
North Tyneside PCT
Rotherham PCT
Wakefield District PCT
Warrington PCT
Worcestershire PCT