If you want to burn calories to know the consumption as your weight and the activity that you should realize will be very useful to you. In Viviendosanos we bring to you a table of caloric consumption so that you know how to burn calories.

One slims when the calories expense is superior to the emaciated calories. That's why to join a good diet to the regular exercise they can help you to burn calories. There are a lot of activities with which you can burn calories. The best thing is that enjoyments practising the physical exercise, burning calories, strengthening your musculature and simultaneously taking something of weight from you if it is what you wish, or simply staying agile.

If you want to lose weight, exercises like using the bicycle, running, swimming, walking, dancing they are marvelous to keep you active and to burn calories. The feeding is an important factor, if you do exercise and take a balanced diet you will feel more vital and will lose weight with more facility.
If you want to know all the calories you can be burning hot sleeping, or cleaning a few windows, or dancing with energy. In the low table you take the calories consumption as a weight and activate measurement in Kilocarias / minute.
Table completed calories for physical activity and I weigh Klc/minuto 
- Example 50 Kg slow person 10 minutes in his personal cleaning we would have: 2,5 calories x 10 minutes = 25 emaciated calories
- 70 kg person who takes 15 minutes in cleaning windows we would have 3,5 x 15 = 52 calories consumed in tasks personal cleaning per minute.