The seaweed nori is eatable seaweed much used in the gastronomy of Japan, China and Korea. The seaweed nori has a reddish color and a marine flavor. In Viviendosanos we speak to you about the seaweed nori.
The seaweed has become very popular across plates like the sushi. The gastronomy exotic and different from the traditional plates is fashionable, the seaweed also is food full of benefits for the health. The seaweed nori is a frequent ingredient in many types of plates like stews and salads. Between the characteristics of the seaweed nori
- There are a source of vegetable proteins
- of potassium,
- iron
- iodine
- magnesium
- provitamina A
- vitamin B12
- fibre.
- Rich in amino acids.
- Beneficial to improve the circulation.
- They improve the capillary health.
- They help to diminish the cholesterol.
- Effect diuretic: In the recent study carried out by the School of Sciences of the Health of the Medical University Sapporo of Japan, they verified how the urinal acid excretion metilmalónico increased when to volunteer to they gave 40 grams of seaweed nori dry per day during the trial period.
- Nevertheless, the urinal excretion of this chemical compound did not change when the volunteers consumed 320 daily grams of seaweed nori fresh, that is equivalent to 40 grams of dry seaweed.
- Beneficial in diets hypocaloric.
- It contributes substances that favor the concentration and the memory.
- Precaution in his consumption in excess since for his high place contained in iodine it can cause.