Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Exercises to slim

The Exercises to slim will be effective if also you realize a varied and healthy diet but that diminishes the caloric contribution that you take.
The exercises to slim we can divide them in

  • Aerobic or cardiovascular exercises

  • Exercises with weight
  • Flexibility exercises, they are done every day during a few minutes.

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercises
  • To run. Also in machines or in natural area. More calories burn that walking rapidly but it can be hard in the knees therefore not all the persons can do it and it has more risks.
  • Rapid gait. It can be in natural area or in the machine caminadora. This exercise is the surest and all the persons can do it.
  • Classes of aerobic exercises. It has the advantage of breaking the boredom, depending on class it is his difficulty and safety. Many of these classes are developed for persons of any level for what they can be ineffective for persons strongly.
  • To raise and to lower stairs. Many calories are burned and he is a challenger but it can be hard in the knees for some persons.
    To jump the rope. It burns many calories but it is risky and not for everything the persons.

  • Bicycle
  • To ski to open field
  • These exercises burn less calories or they are more risky than the previous ones
  • The elliptical machine
  • Classes of spinning
  • Stationary bicycle
  • You plot of rowing, plot of skiing and plot of raising and lowering stairs.

It is recommended
  • Walking, is a simple gesture that any person can do to her own rhythm. It is a good exercise to slim and to be supported in form.
  • It begins in not more than 20 minutes of walk at least 3 days a week. To your rhythm do not force you
  • Then you see increasing 10 minutes to the walk.
  • Before beginning your walk, do a few stretchings, this prepares your musculature to give good results correctly. It starts by walking very slowly.