Thursday, January 21, 2010

Zen garden in our hearth

In the last years everything related to the oriental decoration it has become fashionable very much. The Zen garden in his origins was used in Japan like a meditation place, but today it comes up to us and of the hand of the feng shui it will give him an exotic touch to our hearth.

Zen garden

Sand fact, stones it burdens and moss, with the aggregation of some natural elements, the Zen garden is decorative and of limited size.

Every element and the form in which they are placed has a sense, for example the rocks represent the Japanese islands, the gravel symbolizes the sea and if it looks with attention can there turns a subliminal image that represents the silhouette of a tree.

We can construct a Zen garden in our hearth it is only to obtain the materials and to destine a small surface in our house destined for this beautiful and symbolic place. The gravel will be of white color and it will have to cover approximately approximately 100 linear meters of surface. Then we will obtain seven rocks of good size and, the most important thing, which have a lot of time to be outdoors so that they are worn out by the action of the time.

A Zen garden has no extravagance, much on the contrary it is discreet and especially abstract. The secret consists in obtaining a maximum effect with very few elements, because according to the Zen philosophy this is the chased end.

According to this oriental philosophy, it is necessary that the man lives in harmony with himself and with what surrounds him and this can be obtained by means of the meditation. To ponder and to reach the been concentration maximum, some conditions must happen as for example those that a Zen garden can offer us.

This type of place is easy to do and also to support, bearing in mind the beginning that the peace, calmness and relaxation will come for a narrow and direct connection with the nature.

There exist some things that must bear in mind for armed with a Zen garden, like for example the fact that the elements will always be of odd number, the gravel or sand will have to be raked before placing it in the garden, because I represented not only the ocean but also the absence of thoughts and of the life flowing.

The advisable thing is to do to us of all the materials and necessary elements, then to realize a sketch on role and if we want to add plants to bear in mind that they must be of the oriental type like for example bamboo, fern and some flower that is resistant to the climate changes and has flowering during the whole year.