Friday, January 22, 2010

Facial gymnastics to improve the wrinkles

The facial Gymnastics can help you to improve the wrinkles, do not limit themselves only to the physical exercise with the body. Also there are facial gymnastics for your face. If with the physical exercise you strengthen your sits-up your twins, your arms or legs. With the facial Gymnastics you strengthen the musculature of your face and neck and achieve many benefits.

facial gymnastics
Do you want to improve the aspect of your skin?: to attenuate the wrinkles and to prepare that they go out more? do you want to seem younger without surgery?. Then you are interested in the facial gymnastics. A few exercises skills are the facial gymnastics thought to preserve the integrity of your face. Practising of regular form these exercises it will improve the state of your wrinkles, your facial muscles will be becoming stronger with what you prepare futures give hangings of the skin. Dedicating 10 minutes to him a day you will begin noticing his effects in a little time. If also you take care of your skin with suitable products, you take a balanced feeding, desmaquillas every night you will notice like the aspect of your skin your progress.

  • The Warming: the whole rim of the ears one tries to massage you, with the included lobes it uses for it the fingers index and thumb.
  • The Eyes, to avoid bags and pouches, it tries to close the eyes with the low eyelid and the Superior does not move and without frowning. It raises and the lower eyelid goes down 15 times, slowly. In the last one, be provided up to 15 with the deep eyelid and relax it later.
  • The Forehead, to limit the damages produced on having frowned, put the egg yolks of the fingers on the eyebrows, covering them completely. It presses inwards and below without stretching the skin. It tries to rise and you lower the eyebrows while you hold them with this pressure: it rises and relaxes 10 times without stopping pressing with the fingers never.
  • The lips, to eliminate the wrinkles of the "bar code" and to obtain more labial volume. With the hands in handle put the thumbs in the mouth, with the hands looking at the gum. The fingers have to be between the top lip and the gum. It presses with the lips towards the fingers and vice versa. Do 15 pressures and relaxations and support 15 seconds in the last one before relaxing.

facial gymnastics

  • The dewlap or double chin, a good exercise to avoid the flaccidity of this area is: With the relaxed shoulders down, it raises lightly the chin and places the fingers in the muscles of the jaw (the maseteros). There displaces the maxillary one the low one everything what you could ahead. It counts 7 seconds and relaxes. It repeats 4 times more.

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Photos | Today woman,